First, a Cooper update: How cute is this baby?!?! Every time I see a new picture of him, he gets a little less baby faced and a little more toddler. He is really starting to look just like Jim, and it seems he has also inherited Jim's love for baseball. I'm hoping to head home in a few weeks for a visit. Miss you, buddy!
Had a nice break and visit with my sis, but now I've got to get back to work...
we're making a presentation in Rob's phsyiology class about how we can incorporate modeling into our research. This isn't a difficult question for my research because I'm basically testing the predictions of a popular model, so I've got the basic idea for my presentation nailed down. Now come the nuts and bolts. Here's the thing... I'm NOT a mathematician, so delving into the math in the model I'm testing is giving my brain a huge workout.
The big questions I'm working on answering in regards to the theory of CRF are:
What are the major assumptions in the model?
How is cochlear reflectance (R) calculated, and how does this relate to the middle ear sound pressure recordings?
What is Bragg scattering, and how does this relate to R?
What are the major parameters in the model, and can they be represented?
The other part of my presentation will focus on research that has been done that contradicts the predictions of the CRF model, ie group delays measured in chinchilla when a suppressor tone is added to the recording paradigm are much shorter than CRF would predict.
The big questions I'm working on answering in regards to this research are:
Is the method in which the researcher calculates group delay underestimate delay?
How can suppression alter the basilar membrane excitation pattern?
This modeling project has been (thus far) extremely useful in terms of gaining a more in depth understanding of the background of my research. I'm pretty certain that a good part of the introduction/background for my dissertation will come out of this project. Excitement!!!
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