ok, here is the deal. I have been so busy keeping up with the demands of graduate school for the last few years that I've completely lost touch with my hobbies... I haven't touched a piano for years, haven't completed more than one knitting project in well over a year, haven't been to a musical arts event in I don't even know how long, haven't put on my dancing shoes (well except for recent WIUX dance parties)... you get the point. I'm about three weeks from having my schedule clear up a bit, and now I can't decide what to do! Insanity. Should I volunteer somewhere, pick back up one of my long lost hobbies, get involved in a "just for fun" group... the possibilities are endless.

I know for sure I want to pick my knitting up again this fall/winter, but just can't get into it much when it's 100 degrees out. I'd LOVE to play the piano again, but quite frankly have lost the courage to try it. I'm pretty sure that my fingers have forgotten "the moves" and I'll completely suck now... but it's definitely not off the table. If only I could find a private, quiet place to play .

(I miss my Steinway, mom!)
I started leafing through the seemingly endless volunteer possibilities in Bloomington. The two best options so far seem to be the WonderLab (kids science center) or the Pets ALIVE spay/neuter clinic (I know that sounds weird, but obviously surgeries don't freak me out).
Then there are the new fun possibilities: ceramics class, photography class, knitting circle, or yarn spinning, etc.

Man, I never thought that figuring out how to spend a little spare time would be so difficult.
So what do you think?
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