As I prepare to begin another fall semester at IU, I though I would take some time this morning to reflect in the fun I had this summer. I often find that my hasty answer to the "do anything fun this summer" question is "not really"... I guess that really isn't a fair assessment of this particular summer.
The summer started with a pretty fun event: my sister Shannon turned 21! We had a great night out, and I had the chance to finally meet a lot of her friends (whom I love by the way).

I had a blast with my families this summer. Weekends at home were wonderful and relaxing. Spent some time with Ann and Tom before my birthday... went to a baseball game, spent some time fishing on the lake (caught nothing), laughed at the dogs when the wouldn't stop getting in the pond...

(This last picture was taken right next to the spot that Richie and I got married three years earlier)
The next week, we celebrated three lovely years of marriage. Richie took us to Restaurant Tallent (where we were engaged); we had a sublime meal. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for fresh, unique, seasonal food in Bloomington. Next time we go, we will try the chef's selection taster menu.

Next up for our summer of fun was a sushi night at home

and June birthday (including mine) celebration at the Bloomington speedway. I'm really not a race fan, but I have to say, it's one thing you should definitely experience here in town one time...

In mid-June, I traveled to Florida to meet my beautiful new nephew and have some fun with my sister Brit. The beach was beautiful, but couldn't compare with the newest love of my life...

When I returned to Bloomington, I spent a little time at home... took our annual visit to the Taste of Bloomington, spent some fun times with friends at home...

Then, of course, we had to check out Ann's new ride... and the new Southern Illinois winery... (mmm... Sangria)

And of course, what summer would be complete without at least a few visits with my family, and my best buddy Cooper! This summer Cooper learned to dance, swim, and is starting to work on his first words... he grows up way too fast!

We also got the chance to try out our sea legs when Sarah's family took us out on their boat. Mom rocked, Jim rocked, and I... well I made it up on my skis, but it wasn't pretty (I still have the bruises to prove it!)

Of course, this post isn't an exhaustive list of fun times this summer... I also spent a little bit of time with Carrie, friends here in B-town, and lots of time with Richie and the dogs at home... but I ended the summer last night at the second WIUX dance party with Shan, Mike, and the rest of the WIUX crew...

Thanks for the fun summer, everyone!!!
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